Monkey Legs...Most people know these as baby
legs. Looking in stores I saw these for 20+ dollars, not willing to pay those I talked to my good friend Trinia and she taught me how to make my own. I sell mine for $12.00 and they come not only in a variety of designs many sizes from New Born to Toddler.
Tag Toys...Babies love these!
Once again this is a toy that I saw for way too much money. Knowing I could make these I went to work. My son just loves them. I have to hide the ones that aren’t for him just so he doesn’t get into them. They have a variety of ribbons, colors, and fillings. Some are filled with squeakers, bells, and crinkle stuff. Each one also comes with a hook to attach to other hooks, strollers, bags, ect $5.00 for the triangle ones and $8.00 for the square.
Soother Clips...Some with little animals, some without
A must have for any soother baby. My son was such a soother baby and we were forever dropping and losing them. With these clips you can attach the soother to an outfit, car seat or bag, and they look really cute too! $5.00 for the plain ones, and $8.00 for the animal ones!
Wiz Caps...a little protection for Mom and Dad from those boys!
Anyone who has a boy knows they come with their very own automatic sprinkler system. Once again after seeing a similar product for way too much money I went and made my own version. Just simply place over your little ones little one when changing the diaper and stop from getting sprinkled. I also attached a small ribbon on top to allow removal without having to touch the soiled Wiz Cap. Though in laundry and it is ready to go again. 3 for $5.00
These pants are made from sweaters either I got a really good deal on, or I don’t not wear anymore. I love the way they turned out, and I love making something useful from something I wouldn’t use anymore otherwise! Only $8.00 each!
Tag Blankets...Toys
These are great for quiet toys. They work well in cribs, car rides or just at home. I got one for a gift any my son loved it. Again like the smaller toy they come in a variety of patterns, colors, with ribbons with a ring to hook to anything! $15.00 Each for hours of fun!
Re-Usable Wipes...Cute and Convenient
These wipes are made from flannel so they are soft for baby’s bottom or face. I never leave home without at least 2 in my bag, work great for wipes and spills. Double sided can come in almost any theme or design! 3 For $5.00
Tie Blanket...Not just for Baby
I am always finding myself stealing my sons to watch TV. They are super cosy. 2 layers of fleece make them warm and super soft! Choose any design, theme or color. I make them 1.5M X 1.5M so they are nice a big! Work great for traveling, laying on the grass on warm days, or bundling up for walks with a sled on those cold days! Where ever my son is you can count on his Tie Blanket to be there! $80.00
XXXL Receiving Blankets...Big enough for a baby!
I found that all the Receiving Blankets I got from numerous stores were always way to small...even the ones that say L and XL. My son loved to be swaddled until he was 5 months old. My mom purchased me my first couple and from there I made the rest. Great for swaddling, a blankie, spit ups and just comfort! I pack up most of my sons but he still has one out to this day!
Single sided $10.00 Double sided $18.00 and Glow in the Dark $15.00
Tutus...what every little girl needs and loves!
After seeing how much a couple of my friends little girls love wearing tutus I started to make some of my own. They can come in two different materials (one is stiffer) and almost any color and combination of colors! Perfect for play or dressing up. Looks great with a tutu and a t-shirt!
Love them for only $25.00